WE ARE ACCEPTING DONATIONS!Bungo Stray Dogs Dead Dove 4 Gaza is a fundraising event raising money for relief in Gaza! Donate to Care For Gaza to get a prompt of your choosing filled by one of the talented creators volunteering for the event.
Please check out the tabs for more details!
This event allows for both SFW and NSFW, as well as "Dead Dove" elements. Given this, we are an 18+ event.
Tagging, Boundaries, and sensitivity will be practiced.

This event has no connection to any official company or release. This event is purely made by fans for fans with the goal of doing what we can to send aid to the people of Gaza who are currently facing Genocide.

Gatcha Donations

Requests are only £10!!
Click here for the request form.
Get your donation rewarded and request a Bungo Stray Dogs fanwork!There's several ways you can donate to Care For Gaza, listed in this tweet.The easiest way we recommend is through their link.This event allows nsfw and "dead dove" content. For clarification on how to classify your request, please see this card.
Only those who are 18+ are permitted to request prompts in this event.
Please note that the creators filling these requests are volunteers. It may take some time to fill your request depending on the queue, amount of people available, etc.Volunteers are expected to write at least 1k words/fic or do a colored sketch for each request.Requests are only £10!!All fills will be posted to our Twitter..
We also have an Ao3 Collection.
For more information on the event itself, click here.
For information on how and where to donate, click this card.
Click here for the request form.

Rules & Info

NSFW and “Dead Dove” content is allowed. Due to this, we ask that all requestors are 18+.Please note that you cannot request a specific creator to do your piece and that it will take time for it to be filled. We greatly appreciate your patience and generosity.You can donate as many times as you want for as many prompts as you want to submit. Your donation proof must clearly show that each prompt is for a new donation made or divisible for the amount donated.→ For example, you could request 5 sketch prompts with a £50 donation.While we accept Dead Dove content, please avoid requesting prompts with scat, furries/animals, explicit self-harm, or explicit sexual situations involving underaged characters.For more information on what we accept, please view this card.

Care For Gaza Information

Care For Gaza is a non-profit charity providing aid for families in Gaza. They document extensively the work they do on their Twitter. Renowned journalist and activist Bisan Owda has recommended Care For Gaza as a reputable way to send aid to the Gaza people.There's several ways you can donate to Care For Gaza, listed in this tweet.The easiest way we recommend is through their link.When donating, ensure you include the codeword Moonlight so we can know the donation was made for this event. If you make multiple donations, please include some indication in the notes that it's a secondary donation or have the date visible.
Ensure none of your personal information is visible in the screenshot!!
Here is an example of an accepted proof of donation:

Once you have made your donation, upload it to Postimg and submit the link generated into the Google Request Form.

Volunteer Information

Are you interested in volunteering to fill donation prompts for our event? Great! We'd love to have you!Please know that you must be 18+ to volunteer.
...But you are not required to do NSFW content!
Click here for the sign up form.How It Works
We will be managing the event from a Discord server.
To avoid overwhelming creators, we will deviate from the typical model and not "match-make" prompts to creators. Regularly a mod will update the available prompts as they come in on a rolling basis where creators can claim prompts that interest them.
From there, they will have a set period of time that they are expected to make significant progress/complete their fill. If not, the prompt may become available for another creator to fill themselves. We limit the amount of prompts a creator can claim to two at a time.
We want to prevent people from taking on more than they can handle.
More details on how the event is handled are included in the Discord Server from which this is managed. If you have any questions in the mean time, please feel free to ask us anything!

Content Parameters

There's no limitations on ships so, don't be shy to request your favorite rarepairs. We have several volunteers who love 'em!Our event allows for both NSFW and "Dead Dove" Content. Of course, SFW content can be requested as well.NSFW includes anything that is typically not allowed in an average school/work environment. Sexual Content, Nudity, Violence, etc. all fall under this category.Dead Dove is a subset of the NSFW category as it often contains those sorts of contents but in ways that are especially sensitive or triggering.Sexual content including non-con/dub-con/consensual non-consent, incest, age-gap ships, abusive dynamics all fall under "Dead Dove." We would categorize as some fetishes such as Piss Play as under Dead Dove as well. Gore and excessive blood are also considered Dead Dove.We are pretty permissible to many subjects to be explored creatively and believe fiction should be a safe space for people to explore certain subjects. We will take care and require warnings on all works posted so people can engage with discretion.

However, we will not be allowing the following content in this event (subject to be changed):

  • Scat

  • Excessive Gore

  • Explicit Self Harm Content (Can be mentioned or lightly depicted - just not the main subject.)

  • Sexual depictions of explicitly underaged characters

If you have any questions, please reach out!

Gallery (WIP)

Here's a gallery of all the art fills that have been completed for this fundraiser.
For fics, please check out our Ao3 Collection.

If you have any questions, please reach out!

NSFW Gallery

Here's a gallery of all the art fills that have been completed for this fundraiser.
For fics, please check out our Ao3 Collection.

If you have any questions, please reach out!

The Dead Dove gallery is strictly NSFW!
It may contain disturbing depictions such as...
- Blood
- Abusive Dynamics
- "Problematic" ships
- And more
Proceed with caution.

"Dead Dove" Gallery

Here's a gallery of all the art fills that have been completed for this fundraiser.
For fics, please check out our Ao3 Collection.

If you have any questions, please reach out!